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10 Most Beautifull Infinity Pools With Blue Water You Have To See

This question originally appeared on Quora.

What have you heard a great candidate ask during an interview that loses them the job?

Answer below by Erin Berkery-Rovner, career advisor and former recruiter.

I've heard variations of bad questions in so many industries, so I've put them into a few categories.

The "I actually don't want to do this job" questions

We don't have to [insert duty that would need to be performed every day] at this job, do we?

How quickly would I be promoted from [entry-level job they are qualified for] because I really want to work as a [mid-level job they are unqualified for]?

Can I work part time or work from home? [when the work needs to be done on-site]

I don't think that doing [valuable work the company needs done] is important, would I be able to pass that work off to someone else in this role?

The "I didn't do my research or my research is incorrect" questions

If I assume [completely incorrect assumption A], then that means that this job would entail [a long description that has nothing to do with the job, company and in some cases, industry]?

I read an article about [insert competitor] and I see that your company is doing this new thing [that the company is not doing, because the candidate is talking about a competitor]. How would that impact my job?

The "my last job and qualifications are drastically different from what you need" questions

At my last job I really didn't enjoy doing [task that is the reason the interviewer called them in], how much of my workday will be spent doing that task?

I worked with a budget of [10 times the budget they will get at their new role] and I found that more was needed. How much priority do you give to [insert job function that will drain all cash from the department and give very little ROI]?

The "I want to name-drop because I think it will make me look smarter or savvier than the other candidates" questions

Tristique tincidunt nunc pulvinar, vel odio turpis proin

Tristique tincidunt nunc pulvinar, vel odio turpis proin

Tristique tincidunt nunc pulvinar, vel odio turpis proin

  • Tristique tincidunt nunc pulvinar, vel odio turpis proin
  • Tristique tincidunt nunc pulvinar, vel odio turpis proin
  • Tristique tincidunt nunc pulvinar, vel odio turpis proin

  1. Tristique tincidunt nunc pulvinar, vel odio turpis proin
  2. Tristique tincidunt nunc pulvinar, vel odio turpis proin
  3. Tristique tincidunt nunc pulvinar, vel odio turpis proin

Nisi egestas integer est eros habitasse, odio aliquet sit sagittis montes proin massa proin! Rhoncus penatibus nec. A adipiscing pid integer lundium etiam, rhoncus est eros porta. Elementum eu! Lundium ut. Scelerisque dictumst, facilisis quis dapibus aenean enim sit mus cras vut et dignissim risus! Magna est, non. Auctor hac, pulvinar! Nisi lundium? Pulvinar tempor magnis integer velit nec.

Penatibus platea egestas vel sed. Mauris! Dapibus, ultrices, augue nunc mauris pulvinar placerat porttitor dapibus, urna lectus odio facilisis placerat nisi sit odio integer et amet duis, arcu mattis, nec lacus magna nunc est odio a purus magnis! Mus ut? Velit. Vel platea? Nisi. Velit! Et integer, lacus pulvinar urna! Ut tempor etiam vel integer amet in! Sed adipiscing.
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